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The association of Latvian Castles and Manors
The unique heritage of the castles and estates preserves its values by revealing new and new evidence of self-awareness. Preserved and transferable to future generations as a potential for socio-economic growth


Izaicinājums nebija atbilst tikai pašreizējām prasībām, bet arī tām, kas būtu nākotnes projektos, lai kādās formās tie nāktu.
The association of Latvian Castles and Manors LV 131 164

Important information.

Important information.

Publicity and information placement LPMA home page

The association of Latvian Castles and Manors LV 131 164

Initiated action „Discovering Turaidas palace 800 years history!”

Initiated action „Discovering Turaidas palace 800 years history!”

The Turaida Museum Reserve begins January shares „Discovering Turaidas palace 800 years of history and events through the object stories!”, which will continue throughout the year, presenting the excellent national architectural monument and global crops

The association of Latvian Castles and Manors LV 131 164

The exhibition „Hunt” atceļo Jaunmoku castle

The exhibition „Hunt” atceļo Jaunmoku castle

24 January the .15 .00 Jaunmoku palace was an exhibition „Hunt”, established in cooperation with the Latvian War Museum and personal hunting trophies for collectors.

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