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The association of Latvian Castles and Manors
The unique heritage of the castles and estates preserves its values by revealing new and new evidence of self-awareness. Preserved and transferable to future generations as a potential for socio-economic growth


Izaicinājums nebija atbilst tikai pašreizējām prasībām, bet arī tām, kas būtu nākotnes projektos, lai kādās formās tie nāktu.
Notikumu kalendārs
Tuvākie pasākumi
2015.04.24 datuma notikumi
Latvija LV

Easter Day Turaida „Sun climbed a high mountain”

In anticipation of the spring, when the days become longer than nights and the sun risen  

up in the sky, the Turaida Museum Reserve invites to the Easter holiday  

“The sun climbed a high mountain", on Monday, 6 April at 14.30..

30.11.-0001 - 20.01.2020
The Baltic countries and the members of the Manor Association meeting
Latvija LV

The Baltic countries and the members of the Manor Association meeting

On 2015 March 13 Vecgulbenes estate will take place in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia palaces and the members of the Manor Association meeting. Discuss ideas for potential joint programmes of the various financial instruments to support the project applications.

12.03.2015 - 20.01.2020
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